Community Mental Health Board (708 Board)
Community Mental Health Boards, also known as 708 boards after House Bill 708, were first established by the Community Mental Health Act (405 ILCS20/) in 1963. To establish a 708 Board requires passage of a local referendum by any county, city village, incorporated town, or township. With the passage of a referendum, local governmental units levy an annual tax not to exceed .15% from taxable property that is appropriated to the Community Mental Health Board.
A 708 Board is established for the purposes of planning and funding of mental health, intellectual/developmental disability and substance abuse services. There are over 90 such boards in Illinois.

In 2020, Milton Township voters approved a referendum that established the Milton Township Community Mental Health Board to fund mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse programs that serve township residents. The Act calls for the establishment of a seven-member community mental health board to administer local funds and plan and coordinate services within the local behavioral health system.
In July 2021, Milton Township Supervisor John Monino appointed seven Milton Township residents to serve on the community mental health board. One of the statutory requirements of the Community Mental Health Act is to establish a One and Three-Year Plan to outline how township tax levied funds will be used to address identified community needs in the areas of mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance abuse.
Our Guiding Principles:
Increase system-wide coordination and collaboration among behavioral health system partners and stakeholders.
Provide information to community residents to increase public awareness and education of behavioral health needs in the community and available support resources.
Conduct ongoing assessment to identify community needs and prioritize service provision.
Ensure that local tax funds are allocated and monitored in an effective and responsible manner.
Collect and analyze data within Milton Township to track and monitor community impact of funding.
The Milton Township Community Mental Health Board has funding available for organizations serving residents of Milton Township and that are working in the area of mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual/developmental disabilities. To access the funding application and guidelines, go to: