Milton Township Highway Department Duties and Programs

The Township erects and maintains traffic control and street signs as needed.

Snow Removal
The Township plows and salts streets as needed during the winter months. There is a winter No Parking Ban on all Township streets from Dec. 1 to April 15 from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

The Township mows the grass along the right of way of vacant lots three times a year.

The Township is a member of the J.U.L.I.E program to locate buried utilities in your area. Please call (800) 892-0123 BEFORE you dig! It’s the safe thing to do, it’s the law and it’s free! Permits and Bonds The Township requires a permit and bond for most construction projects done by the homeowner or a contractor for the homeowner on their property. Please call the Highway Department (630) 682-4270 and the DuPage County Building Department (630) 407-6700 before you start your project to see if you need a permit. Waivers can be given for certain projects. A final inspection will be done when your project is completed, and the bond will be returned if there is no damage to the right-of-way.

Brush Pickup
The Township does a brush pickup program twice a year to give the homeowners a place to dispose of minor prunings from their yards. The first pickup is the first Monday in May and the second is the third Monday in September. Brush should be out no later than 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of the scheduled pickup. The crew will come by to pick up the brush sometime during the week. Due to the volume of brush picked up, the Township cannot give a specific time or day for the pickup in your area. Brush should be tied in bundles with twine not more than 4 feet in length and 3 inches in diameter and not over 25 pounds per bundle. DO NOT use wire to tie the bundles! The Township does not accept any yard waste in bags or garbage cans.

The Township trims trees on the parkway as needed. All trimming is done at the discretion of the Township. As much as we would like to accommodate the request of the homeowner to be present during the trimming, that is not always possible. Dead trees and storm damaged trees on the parkway are also removed by the Township. If a tree needs to be removed, the Township will also remove the stump. The Township does not replace trees that are removed. Homeowners can replace the tree at their expense with the approval of the Township.

Culverts and Ditches
The Township does ditching and driveway culvert replacement as needed at no cost to the homeowner, once the street has been accepted into the Township.

Street Repairs
The Township maintains and repairs the paved surface of the street as needed.

The Township has a cost share program with the homeowner for the replacement of sidewalks. Sidewalks will not be replaced for cosmetic reasons. Call the Township for an inspection if you think your sidewalk needs repairing.

Pavement Markings
The Township applies and maintains pavement markings as needed and as approved by the County Engineer.

Wood Chips
The Township recycles wood chips back to the homeowners of the Township free of charge. Call to schedule a free delivery.

Dead Animal
The Township will only remove dead animals from the right-of-way. Animals located on private property are the responsibility of the homeowner.